Dashing Lady Bug, our recovering rental string horse, is responding well to learning on the ground everything she already learned under saddle. This ex-racing Quarter Horse has beautiful fluid gaits, and a gentle willingness once a rider is on her back.
Lady Bug is re-learning trust, that handling on the ground doesn't have to be brutish. Already, she's coming to understand this. She's a sweet mare that needs quiet understanding, that she will no longer be used solely as a commodity -- ridden hard, and put away wet. This is a living being with wants, desires, and a need for peace and safety as much as our own. Can you provide Lady Bug that home?
Lady Bug is available for adoption, and is located in Santa Clarita.
If interested in adopting Lady Bug, please fill out our application
Lady Bug is re-learning trust, that handling on the ground doesn't have to be brutish. Already, she's coming to understand this. She's a sweet mare that needs quiet understanding, that she will no longer be used solely as a commodity -- ridden hard, and put away wet. This is a living being with wants, desires, and a need for peace and safety as much as our own. Can you provide Lady Bug that home?
Lady Bug is available for adoption, and is located in Santa Clarita.
If interested in adopting Lady Bug, please fill out our application