Warren's Doogood is thriving with her new foster, Allison of Thousand Oaks. Doogood -- now named "Sweetie" (or as Allison's 3-year-old daughter prefers to call her, Princess FuFu) -- has two more weeks left of antibiotic therapy for what was suspected to be an infection into her coffin bone. She's still taking some sore steps, though much improved. At the end of her antibiotics, the vets from West Coast Equine will come out to further assess her progress. At 7-years-old, we're pulling for this young mare to come out of this, totally sound!
Warren's Doogood was rescued off the meat buyer's truck in August, along with older broodmare Tell Me Why. We're currently seeking a retirement home for Tell Me Why, along with her best friend Just Sophie, so if you're seeking some gorgeous pasture puffs -- we've got 'em!
As for Doogood, we're still pulling for her to have a rideable future
Warren's Doogood was rescued off the meat buyer's truck in August, along with older broodmare Tell Me Why. We're currently seeking a retirement home for Tell Me Why, along with her best friend Just Sophie, so if you're seeking some gorgeous pasture puffs -- we've got 'em!
As for Doogood, we're still pulling for her to have a rideable future