"Sierra Madam" update:
Although you wouldn't guess it, through Sierra's thick fuzzy coat lurks a skinny body -- a BCS of 3.5 -- spine and hips beginning to protrude.
Since Sierra's rescue coincided with an Arctic cold spell coming through California, we found Cindy Savitt's donated blanket fit her perfectly -- thank you, Cindy! Without much fat or muscle to insulate her vital organs, blanketing is an essential part of her rehabilitation, as temperatures drop into the 20s.
The farrier is up next for Sierra, while we give her a few weeks to gain ample weight. There's some thickening in her ankles, so x-rays and joint injections may also be in this young, over-raced mare's future, as we work to bring her to as healthy of a state as she is capable.
If you would like to sponsor Sierra's care, rehabilitation and recovery, please donate through our website -http://www.auctionhorsesrescue.com/donate.html
Although you wouldn't guess it, through Sierra's thick fuzzy coat lurks a skinny body -- a BCS of 3.5 -- spine and hips beginning to protrude.
Since Sierra's rescue coincided with an Arctic cold spell coming through California, we found Cindy Savitt's donated blanket fit her perfectly -- thank you, Cindy! Without much fat or muscle to insulate her vital organs, blanketing is an essential part of her rehabilitation, as temperatures drop into the 20s.
The farrier is up next for Sierra, while we give her a few weeks to gain ample weight. There's some thickening in her ankles, so x-rays and joint injections may also be in this young, over-raced mare's future, as we work to bring her to as healthy of a state as she is capable.
If you would like to sponsor Sierra's care, rehabilitation and recovery, please donate through our website -http://www.auctionhorsesrescue.com/donate.html