Hip 213 from Cowtown Auction on Saturday, the young stallion with the cloudy eye, was rescued that night by AHR. The stallion has already lead a hard life in his few short years, with dead skin sloughing off beneath his belly and behind his ears, as well as a cloudy infected eye, *and* a swollen knee -- which he is, thankfully, sound on. This boy is, to put it simply, beat up.
Now named "Frankie," this grade Quarter Horse stallion has an appointment to be gelded with the local Bakersfield vet this week. Total cost: $300! Can you help us raise it? Our Paypal is [email protected]
Please help!
Lately, Auction Horses Rescue has been gelding one stallion a month. Here is November's entry!
Now named "Frankie," this grade Quarter Horse stallion has an appointment to be gelded with the local Bakersfield vet this week. Total cost: $300! Can you help us raise it? Our Paypal is [email protected]
Please help!
Lately, Auction Horses Rescue has been gelding one stallion a month. Here is November's entry!